fabra i coats

location: barcelona, spain
program: mixed use
status: design
date: 2009

This project begins with an existing historical site of a textile factory and focuses on revitalizing certain areas in need while maintaining the characteristics and conditions of the remaining buildings. These buildings as a whole make up a creative factory that provides artists with studios, services and galleries on site.

This proposal seeks to divide but blend public to private space, individual to collective space, and conditioned to unconditioned space more gradually than a typical threshold. This, in turn, creates a space for users to interact in a new “grey area” formerly comprised of a wall. This “grey area” then replaces the threshold and creates a new type of zone, or interactive space instead of poche.

This "grey area" is introduced at two scales. At macroscale, the masterplan first attempts to seperate the public and private programs and disburses them across the site encouraging distinct, but perhaps unique associations. Then at microscale, the individual buildings  focus on blending individual and collective space with and indoor to outdoor condition, all possible with Barcelona's rather mild year-round climate.